My dream of being a nurse came true in 1970 at Rhode Island Hospital School of Nursing. At 4 yrs old I was aware of the suffering around me, wanting to help, and being of service was my heart’s desire. Awareness of my own pain is the driving force for my continued focus on raising and developing my consciousness.

My career as a Psych/Mental Health nurse began in Boston, where I was introduced and turned on to therapy. There were many ahha moments as a member/trainee in a: Psychodrama Therapy Group, Staff Support Group, and Family Therapy. Reflection has become a daily self-care technique.

My path called me to California in 1972, living there for almost 30 years; being exposed to a smorgasbord of Approaches to Mind/Body/Spirit, Healing & Consciousness. Amercing in whatever presents itself excites & challenges me, spurring me on to new heights.

Holistic Nursing Theory and Practice led me in 1974, to the Nurse Healers Group: turned onto crystals by Oh Sha Fast Wolf; Dolores Krieger was my introduction to energy work. I studied Acupressure, Herbology and Imagery incorporated all these techniques into my self-care practices.

Group therapy exploration included: Gestalt, Rebirthing, and Reichian, which lead to body work with Milton Trager and Psychophysical Integration which evolved into studying at the Rosenberg Rand Institute. Where I was selected for a training video session that was the most powerful work I experienced and took years to process.

30 years of Consciousness studies included Transcendental Meditation, Alpha Learning Intensive, Theta Training, Crystal Research Group, Metaphysical classes, Crystal Healing with Dale Walker & Frank Alper, The Crystal Congress where I experienced the famous crystal Skull. I studied “Nature of the Soul” & “Teacher Training” a Metaphysical approach channeled by Lucille Rosecrans, taught by Georgia Lambert. Group work is a great way to surround myself in the light and integrate new aspects of being.

Fascinated by different world views: I attended Los Angeles Pierce College in Anthropology classes; I experienced CSUN Southwest Sites 8d Tour. Frequently basking in Ceremony; attending Sun Bear’s Vision quest, Medicine Wheel Gatherings, Heart Medicine Sweat lodges, & the yearly Rainbow Horse Dance. Blessed with new insights: by native people including Twyla Nitsch, and Bearheart. I join Amylee and the sisterhood of the Dancing Shields. I am drawn to Native American Healers and people of other cultures to share their wisdom.

I sought physically challenging activities starting with a Yosemite Natural History 9 day backpack, followed by RCS basic Mountaineering Classes, & Wilderness survival classes in different environments: desert, mountain, beaches. I became confident on mother earth through: hiking, backing, peak bagging, rock climbing, and cross-country skiing whether alone, with friends, or the Sierra Club. I explore & connect with mother earth through many channels.

In the 90s I was Healing through my Relationship with my husband; we stopped using alcohol, working on our abuse issues based on diagnosis with PTSD. I learned about gratitude and joy as a Hospice Nurse- explored Conscious Dying as an integral part of my life.

In 2001 we moved to Homer, Alaska following through on a dream of a simple life within the whole, to be an example of self-responsibility & development of healthy behaviors that extended to the environment. What a great accomplishment it is to work & live in a beautiful wilderness environment.

My adventurous path continues toward my vision of developing my practice as an Integrated Nurse Coach. I am honored and grateful for the many teachers who have and will cross my path.


3 thoughts on “ABOUT

  1. Thank you very much for your entry on the Rhode Island State Mental Hospital at Howard, and your training there in 1969. Would like to talk more with you about it. Thanks,.–Fred Marchant/ Arlington, MA. My email address is below.

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